For more information about our document conversion solutions, check out or. This product may NOT be able to produce an editable Word document if one of the following conditions applies to your PDF:ĮasyPDF is a product of BCL Technologies. Easy to follow instruction apply to virtually every app that can store and move PDF files.You can drag and drop files from/to other compatible apps in iPad (requires iOS 11 and later).You can import and export files from iCloud Drive and other compatible apps such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box directly from within the easyPDF.By using the “Open in another app” button, you can import files for conversion from apps such as Adobe Reader, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, and many more.Edit PDFs by converting them to Word documents and then converting them straight back to PDF.When you upload a PDF file, select the file type you want to convert to and leave the rest to our free convert to PDF tool. Use our online PDF converter tool to convert files automatically into PDFs. Use easyPDF with any Word Processing app, email app, or cloud storage. Free PDF conversion from Word, Excel, JPG and HTML files, or convert to PDF. EasyPDF is the best PDF conversion app that allows you to convert PDF to Word and create PDF files from Office.